Kansas city

Rediscover Our Mission: Who We Are and What We Do at Food Connect

Rediscover Our Mission: Who We Are and What We Do at Food Connect

Approximately one in 8 households (12.8 percent) experienced food insecurity, or lack of access to an affordable, nutritious diet. Food Connect bridges the gaps in our food system through innovative technology and focused collaboration to build impactful, sustainable hunger relief solutions.

We are committed to reducing food insecurity and improving food equity in real-time and working hand in hand with existing community organizations.

We are passionate about having a national organization that has a local impact on helping to solve real world problems with food insecurity, food waste, and access to nutritious foods.

Vibrant Health and Food Connect Kansas City Partner to Support
Local Families Affected by Diabetes

Every year an estimated 13,300 adults in Kansas are diagnosed with diabetes. The Food 4 Life is a 9-month Food as Medicine pilot in partnership with Vibrant Health.

The pilot aimed to improve health outcomes for Spanish-speaking diabetics through a comprehensive program that includes weekly produce boxes sourced from local farmers by The Kansas City Food Hub, monthly diabetes education sessions, and community health worker support through Vibrant Health.

“Eating more vegetables has been of great help for our health and a good example for my family to try a different variety of produce” - F4L Participant
Overall Impact

83% of program participants have seen a reduction in their A1c from baseline (pre-program) to their 3-month measurement, with the Group Average A1c lowering 1.9 from 10.7 to 8.8.

Participants will continue to have their A1c measured as a part of their care management routine with Vibrant Health.

Here’s what our recipients were saying in our Food Delivery Survey
100% of survey respondents indicated:The box was useful for them and their families.
  • Very satisfied with the quality of food delivered.
  • They ate more fresh fruits and vegetables since the delivery
  • More willing to try new ones (vegetables)
  • Plan to eat more fruits and vegetables
  • NO complaints with the food delivery from Food Connect

83% of respondents used the vegetables “All of the time”, with 16.7% using “Most of the time”
Food Connect’s drivers have successfully completed 100% of their deliveries since inception, consistently receiving 5 star ratings from recipients.

Seamless Solutions: Food Connect Partners with Cross-Lines for Logistical Support

Our partner, Cross-Lines, is considered a “place of hope” for those struggling with the hardships of poverty. When they reached out to Food Connect for logistical support, we quickly sprang into action. By extending a hand, we enabled them to provide 19,333 meals and together we rescued 23,200 pounds of food. Working together to amplify our impact on the Kansas City community is what we are all about.

"With Food Connects logistical and timely support we were able to problem solve quickly and ensure the folks we serve continued to have a variety of items to access when visiting us for their food and household needs.”
- Marlen Hernandez (Cross-Lines, Staff)

At Food Connect we amplify the reach of organizations who are committed to eliminate food insecurity, access, and nutritious food.

Join us in the fight to eliminate hunger!

Thank you for your time. We can't wait to share our progress in the fight to decrease the number of families and individuals living with food insecurity, and poverty in the Kansas City area! Until next time remember every action counts in the fight against hunger!